Hello, hello. I’m Owl Man Paul with Project Perch. Our not-for-profit group of volunteers is dedicated to the conservation of the Threatened Florida burrowing owl. Every day, we observe, protect, and nurture this tiny, loveable raptor.

We observe by recruiting “Owl Guardians” to watch over the owls. Known locations are monitored and we are always on the lookout for new burrows.

We protect the owls by installing fencing around the burrows to keep heavy mowers away from the tunnels. It’s line trimming only inside the perimeter. Educational signs inform people about owl protocol. Remember… “Safe Burrows Save Owls!”.

We nurture by giving the owls a lift. Installing perches helps the owl see ground predators by increasing their field of vision. Perches allow the owl to spot nearby prey. Our artificial burrow design is highly effective in attracting owls to high-dry ground and reduces flooding and collapse.  We often say, “Plant a burrow… Grow an owl!”.

Our outreach programs spread the word about the dangers facing the Florida burrowing owl and how we can help. Whether we are in the classroom, at local events, or on social media, we share our passion for the Florida burrowing owl.

For more information or to become a part of our mission to observe, protect, and nurture the Florida burrowing owl please, contact us via email at owl@projectperch.org, or call us at:

Kelly Heffernan – Director & Founder – Avian Biologist
Phone: (978) 412-5313

Paul Kragh – Director of Burrowing Owl Conservation
Phone: (954) 383-1044

You can also support our program by making a donation.

Flood-Zone Artificial Burrow System (FZ-ABS)

Developed by Dr. Brian Mealey and Grant Cambell